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Crazy Avid reader

Lets see, I have a different book in every room. My to be read shelf is getting crazy and I think I need help in this area lol. I enjoy stalking other peoples bookshelves, reviewing and sharing books. 



Currently reading

Rebellious Heart
Jody Hedlund
Progress: 195/384 pages
New Moon
Stephenie Meyer
Progress: 104/565 pages
A Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin
Progress: 318/835 pages
A Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin
New Moon
Stephenie Meyer
The Caldarian Conflict - Mike Kalmbach A very smooth, interesting, adventurist kind of read. I loved the pirate talk. And the pirate characters. Yes, even the bad ones. The Monk was a kind hearted, sincere, and was a gullible man at the same time. But that was in his nature and people who knew this took advantage of that. Just like the real world yes?

I thought the ending was honorable. And I enjoyed meeting up with some of the character at their grave sights But.. the Epilogue surprised me.

Is there going to be 2nd book Mr.Kalmback?